Colourless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously

In the tradition of Kafka’s Parables and Paradoxes and The Book of Embraces by Eduardo Galeano, this collection of short essays and “alternative versions” is a vivid, perhaps even shocking, reminder that language, self, and reality are based on social consensus, an unspoken agreement to see the world in a particular, limited way. By breaking open these conventions, Colourless Green Ideas reveals the possibilities inherent in the human story.

To “sleep furiously” is to dream. Once we know we are dreaming, we begin to consider the possibility of waking up.

About The Author

Mark Frutkin


Reviews of this Book

“Mark Frutkin has distilled his meditations on language, reason, myth and mystery into nuggets to tickle you into new ways of thinking. His opinionated rant against opinions is a howl. And who knew Gutenberg used a winepress?”
–Mark Fried, translator of Eduardo Galeano

“Frutkin’s tell-it-slant meditations on language, meaning, and life create an argument that is also a dream, an intellectual conversation conducted in poetic diction. More than a collection of aphorisms, this slim book is a manifesto for clear and creative thought.”
–Mark Kingwell

Maple Tree Literary Supplement
Prairie Fire Review of Books